Disney’s Star Tours closing, but will be back

I remember back in 1987, I had a chance to go on Star Tours at Disneyland. I had to wait almost two hours, and it was quite an experience.

I would imagine that after twenty years, the effects of Star Tours would look pretty mediocre in the era of CG effects.

It would appear that Disney feels the same way as they are planning on giving Star Tours an update.

This means that Star Tours is going to be temporarily shut down. The one in Disneyland will shut down on July 27th, and the one in Disneyworld will begin its end on September 8th.

Disney has shared that by the time the ride will be rebuilt in May 2011, it will have a 3D screen. I have no idea if the users will have to wear glasses, as I know that we have the technology to make glasses free 3D, especially if it is the same clip played every time.

I also heard that it will feature…podracing? Oh no, we are getting into Star Wars prequel territory here.

I remember when I visited Star Tours, there was a droid that was the host and pilot of the thing. I found out later that it was Pee-Wee Herman doing the voice. I sort of hope they get rid of him this time. Maybe they just replaced him with Jar Jar Binks.

Oh please, no!



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