Ithaca College Tots program uses Wii Balance Board

I’m sure that most of our readers who are parents know how important it is when a child learns to walk. I have three young children who have gone through that particular rite of passage, but I take for granted that there are a lot of toddlers who can’t walk at all.

In all honesty, I am not certain I would know how to raise a child that couldn’t learn to walk, but a study at Ithaca known as Ithaca College Tots on Bots helps babies with physical disabilities using something that many households have: a Wii Balance Board.

As you can see, the toddler sits on a specially made chair that sits on a Wii Balance Board. That board has some wheels on the bottom, and a baby can go along by simply leaning in the appropriate direction.

This toddler Wii-board wheelchair also has sonar that will avoid crashes, and there is a remote control that is enabled so an adult can take control at will.

I suppose that adult wheelchairs could be made with this same technology, but something tells me that I don’t know the half of it when it comes to this. If you want to leave a comment and agree with me, I wouldn’t hold it against you.



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