Aerolatte Hot for the perfect cuppa

Have £59.99 to splash around, but are not quite sure on just how impulsive you would like to get? Then why not use that money to get you the Aerolatte Hot? This could very well be the convenient tool for coffee lovers everywhere, as it is full well capable of frothing and heating up your milk to the optimum temperature, making it ready for you to tip it onto your delicious cup of java while sprinkling your favorite condiment over the top, be it some chocolate powder or even nutmeg and vanilla powders. This might just help you discover that you have latent barista skills that have yet to be discovered. Made out of a special non-stick material which will not have you grapple with horrible burnt milk stains on it, cleaning it is a snap – requiring only a quick rinse and a wipe. A special sensor has been fitted within to detect and heat your milk to perfection, and each Aerolatte Hot can let you make anywhere from one to four coffees’ worth of delicious, hot, frothy white milk, depending on how much you consume per cup.


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