Hypnotic Illumicube adds zest to living room

Are you one who loves dressing up your living room tastefully? Well, here is something else that you might want to look into for a different look and feel to the place when the sun sets. We’re talking about the Hypnotic Illumicube which is actually a clear acrylic cube that has been filled with 64 multi-colored LEDs which will systematically illuminate in 500,000 different combinations. That amount of combinations will definitely go a long way in producing a mesmerizing light show, especially so at night. Each LED is capable of generating 1,000 different colors, and when they illuminate in unison or in succession, you can be sure that your eyes are in for a treat. All 64 LEDs are full well capable of emitting a vibrant crimson hue which will slowly fade to magenta, where each row may illuminate in succession to create waves of rolling light, or the LEDs may light-up one at a time to produce a flaring, twirling light streak. The LEDs themselves are able to last up to a whooping 100,000 hours. How much for the Hypnotic Illumicube ? Just $99.95, which is a pretty fair price to pay in our opinion for something so pretty.


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