Pledge To Help A Man Create This Steampunk Halloween Decoration

Halloween is a fun time of the year, you get to see what over the top decorations people will come up with. If you always wished that you could be a part of such creations, then you now have a chance. One man creates these huge Halloween displays and asks for pledges to do his projects. Well this year he’s making a giant steampunk display, but that’s only if he raises the $2200 that he requires.

They only have 15 days to go to meet their goal. They do have 60 backers, and not far to go though. The vehicle is meant to look as if it has drilled through the ground and right out into the creator’s driveway. If this is even slightly as good as his past creations, then it would definitely be worth the money. You can check out his previous works by going here.

Source: Gizmodiva


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