Watch out at the scanner in Lagos Airport

Take a look at these images here on the left. They aren’t really NSFW, but apparently some airport employees at Lagos airport in Nigeria are wanting to see them.

Yes, there are employees who will “sneak off to the cubicle where the 3D full-body scanner monitors are located during off-peak hours and enjoy themselves”.

This is disturbing, isn’t it? You can take comfort that these scanners tend to blur the face. So even though some airport employee at Lagos may have seen you naked, they have not seen your face. Unless they leave the cubicle, and do a compare and contrast with the other passengers. So if you have been to Lagos airport, you might want to ignore those people giggling at you.

I suppose we all knew that Body Scanners can see through clothes, and yes, it is quite an issue of our personal civil liberties. I have a very short list of people that I am comfortable being naked around.

However, if this is a sample of what the TSA employee sees, I don’t feel violated at all. If you are an airport employee and really “get off” on seeing images of this, may I suggest clearer and more colorful ones on Internet porn, perhaps? This is not to say that I support Internet porn. Seriously, if you want to look at these body scanner things for the sake of your own pleasure, then you have your own set of issues.



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