Dead Bolt Security Straps help you get some rest in seedy hotels

This could easily be passed off as an item for the paranoid. However, most of us have been in those situations where we’re just more nervous than normal. From college students new to living without parents to last minute vacationers staying in cheap hotels to just average nervous senior citizens, these might be nice to have around. For those times when you need a little extra something to help you nod off at night this odd little strap will make sure no one can pick the lock or even get in if they happen to own a master key.

These come in sets of 2 and feature industrial strength nylon with a Velcro enclosure. Since it’s basically just a well designed Velcro strap, it won’t require any assembly and won’t take up much space in your suitcase. I took a vacation this year where I would have killed to have one of these straps stashed in my suitcase. Hotels are not always as cute as they appear in photographs. You can purchase the pack of 2 for $14.99 through Whatever Works.

Source: Bookofjoe


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