Razer unleashes wireless Naga Epic

Razer is no stranger when it comes to high end gaming peripherals, and their latest offering for the masses will target those who enjoy countless hours in front of the computer, hacking and slashing their way to another level. Yup, we’re looking at MMORPGers here today, where they will surely have heard of the Razer Naga mouse before, but this time around it will be a wireless version that brings a whole new level of epic to your MMO gameplay – hence its new name, the Razer Naga Epic. This mouse aims to epitomize the fine balance between keyboard and mouse, boasting 17 MMO-optimized buttons to bring things to a whole new level, thanks to a trio of ergonomic interchangeable side panels that offer an optimal fit, alongside the choice to customize the backglow from over 16 million colors, with a dual mode wired/wireless functionality.

It isn’t just some techie who was smoking on weed to come up with the design though. The final design of the Razer Naga Epic is what it is today thanks to the scientific testing and screening of over 80 different model iterations by Razer’s ergonomics team. This includes the button placement as well as their functions, which means the folks over at Razer have really done their homework, and done it well with what we can see. The end result? A mouse that provides a personalized level of comfort, alongside dual wired/wireless functionality and unique MMO-optimized multi-button thumb grid.

Those who own the original need not fret, since a wired version of any mouse is more or less guaranteed to work at all times, as a wireless mouse always runs the risk of it not jiving due to some unforseen circumstance. If you live Stateside, the Razer Naga Epic will arrive there this November for $129.99, making it the cheapest continent to purchase one since those living in Europe will have to fork out €129.99 instead, now how about that?

Press Release


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