Unhampered Laundry Basket folds up for easy storage

I like having a laundry basket, but I really don’t like the space they take up. I only use those baskets every now and then since I have a laundry shoot, but I still like having that option. Plus, they’re handy for hauling laundry up since laundry shoots don’t exactly go both ways. Thankfully, Quirky now has a laundry basket posted that will store away in very small spaces.

Despite that this will hold quite a lot, including your laundry soap off to the side, it’ll actually fold flat to the point where it’s only 2” wide. Like any other decent laundry basket it has 2 handles and is made to hold a little bit of a load. The mesh pocket off to the side is created to hold your soap and fabric softeners. This would be great for anyone living in a tiny apartment that has to wander down to the apartment’s public laundry room. Right now these only have 141 of the 1040 people needed that are committed to purchasing this. You can add yourself to the list by committing to pay $19.99.

Source: Gizmodiva


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