Verizon Wireless and Samsung to release Galaxy Tab this November for $600

Are you ready to rock and roll with the tablet market? If your answer is in the affirmative, then why haven’t you purchased an iPad already? What’s that? You prefer to shop around before dropping some serious money, eh? Well good news for you then – Verizon Wireless has teamed up with Samsung to release the Samsung Galaxy Tab this coming November 11th for $599.99 a pop, where it will be powered by the latest Android 2.2 operating system right out of the box so you don’t have to worry about it being bogged down by bugs in the older version. For more specific hardware details, you might want to check out in the extended post on just what the Samsung Galaxy Tab is capable of delivering.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab will come with a rather brilliant 7-inch touch screen display, delivering a robust HTML Web browsing experience that offers full support for Adobe Flash 10.1 for video and mobile gaming. You won’t find it lacking in terms of firepower either, as a pretty zippy 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird Application processor is also there to ensure all your applications will run just fine, no matter the load you throw at it.

Apart from Android-powered applications that are hugely popular, you will also find special Verizon Wireless applications such as V CAST Music and V CAST Song ID, VZ Navigator, Slacker Radio, Kindle for Android, BLOCKBUSTER On Demand presented by V CAST Video, as well as the exclusive golf game known as “Let’s Golf”. Apart from text, picture and video messaging, the Samsung Galaxy Tab will also bring V CAST Apps to owners, which is actually Verizon Wireless’ mobile storefront that offers hundreds of applications for businesses and consumers at launch. Of course, there is no point in having the Samsung Galaxy Tab if you do not have an unlimited data plan, so it is good to see Verizon Wireless offers a monthly access plan from $20 onwards for 1GB.

Press Release


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