Zibra tool opens up just about any package

You know how some of your purchases these days (especially electronics) which are small enough to fit in a bag come with a packaging which is nigh impossible to cut open with a regular pair of scissors? Well, Zibra has your best interests at heart in such situations by creating its latest innovation that is touted to rid the world of package wrap rage, in the form of Open It!. This is one highly anticipated package opener which will deliver a five-in-one method that will open everything under the Christmas tree in a jiffy. You can read more about its various functions in the extended post, so do make the jump!

  • Cut It: Long cutting jaws cut quickly through sealed clamshell packaging
  • Snip It: Hardened, precision ground steel blades snip through zip ties and twist ties
  • Slice It: Slices CDs and DVDs and the auto-retract system prevents blade from being exposed when not in use
  • Unscrew It: Removable screwdriver for easy use and convenient storage
  • Pop It: Bottle cap opener is cleverly built into jaws

You know that this coming holiday season will see plenty of presents being passed around, so getting a package opener as reliable as the Open It! isn’t such a bad idea after all. You know what would be ironic? The Open It! coming in an extremely hard to open packaging, but we doubt that Zibra will be that cheeky to its customers. Created to greatly reduce the amount of package opening-related injuries during this frenzied holiday shopping season, the Open It! intends to do its part to reduce the current number of people who visit the hospital as a result of lacerations incurred from packaging – around 300,000 in total.

Sporting a bold green color and features an ergo-design that will sit down well with southpaws, it comes with patented angular jaws keep your hands free from all sharp plastic edges. Retailing for $9.99 a pop, this sounds like a nigh affordable purchase for any home, so head on to your nearest Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Walgreen’s, Office Depot, Office Max, Michaels and other retailers nationwide to pick one up.

Press Release


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