Skatecycle gets a Tron Legacy Makeover

We covered the Skatecycle before, an interesting skateboard with its wheels large enough to put the feet in.

I’m very certain that we also covered Tron Legacy before, as it has quite a lot of merchandise like gaming controllers and the Zero G Light Cycle.

I guess Alon Karpman felt combining the two would be a good idea, which is why the Brooklyn Workshop created this Tron Legacy Skatecycle. I suppose that it is a good idea, because the skatecycle certainly looks like an ankle-high version of the light cycle from the Tron franchise.

It was probably easy to create the colors and glow in the dark effects that are customary in the world of Tron. It’s enough to make Jeff Bridges wish he really was a young man so that he could try it out. Not the Tron Legacy computer generated version that they created.

This is a DIY project, and there doesn’t seem to be a plan to market this. I’m sure that if Tron Legacy is a hit of Avatar proportions, there will be a demand for something like this. As it is, the film could absolutely flop and no one will want to see Tron on anything, ever again.



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