Etymotic Research ETY Plugs Earplugs win design award at CES 2011

I realize that CES is a time to talk about technological advancements, and I never thought I would bring up the subject of earplugs when it comes to the biggest consumer electronics convention of the year.

Hey, CES doesn’t officially start until Wednesday, and these earplugs are worthy of being on display at CES unveiled.

These ETY Plugs have won a design award at CES this year, and they are designed to block out the harmful decibels, but keeps music and speech intact.

I had a chance to talk with Mark D. Karnes, the Managing Director of Etymotic Research Inc., and he said that the U.S. military has earplugs, but most do not use them. As a result, there are a lot of soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with permanent hearing loss.

Not only is it designed for men in uniform, but created for musicians so that they can hear their own instrument as well as their blend with others.

I don’t seem to have a price for these from their site, but I’m guessing they are cheaper than the cost of losing your hearing. According to my Source, they are “low cost” and come in both standard and large.



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