Toys Rainbow in my Room Projector
Last Christmas, I wrote about the solar-powered rainbow machine, a device that can create an artificial rainbow. For those that want this ersatz rainbow technology on the inside, you might want to look into this Rainbow in my Room Projector.
I would imagine that this about as close as getting a rainbow indoors as you can without the power of God. Sure, it is not as impressive as an honest to goodness gigantic rainbow that stretches across the sky, and I’m sure the solar-powered one probably looks more impressive. This Rainbow in my Room is more of a glorified night light, but this might be what your kids want.
Chances are, any room with the Rainbow in my Room Projector in it probably needs a unicorn or My Little Ponies, like my daughter’s room. That set up looks like it would require a lot of space, and probably requires a pot of gold at the end of it.
This toy also comes with a window prism disk for making some smaller rainbows when the sun is present. If you want to see which rainbows (prism or projector) look better, then you might want to head over to Amazon and lay down $17.99.
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