Apple Mac OS X Lion released

Do you want to experience “the world’s most advanced operating system”? Well, surely you would have heard Apple “roar” when it came to the release of their latest version of the Mac operating system – OS X Lion. This is the 8th iteration of the operating system, bringing to the table (or rather Mac) over 250 new features. You can easily download it from the Mac App Store for $29.99 a pop, with the physical version coming your way in due time just in case you prefer having something physical in your hand for the amount of money exchanged.

Among the features that are found inside OS X Lion would include new Multi-Touch gestures, system-wide support for full screen apps, Mission Control which is an innovative view of everything that runs on your Mac, the Mac App Store that has been built straight into the OS, alongside Launchpad – a new home for all your apps, not to mention an overhauled Mail app.

The goodies do not stop there – how about the Resume feature that is smart enough to bring your apps back just like how you left them when you restarted your Mac, or quit and relaunched an app? This might also help you catch the more careless person who used your Mac while you were away and messed up the desktop icon arrangement, as you can tell right away when you get back.

Ah, the all important Auto Save feature that says it all – it will automatically and continuously save your documents as you work so that in the event of a brownout, you need not bawl like a baby simply because you forgot to save your work for the past 5 hours. Not only that, Versions will help you record the history of your document the moment you create it – reminds me of Google Docs and their version history.

AirDrop is another way to get more social at the office, since it will find nearby Macs and set up a peer-to-peer wireless connection automatically to enable quick and easy file transfer. Anyone going to give Lion a go?

Press Release


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