Frii Concept Bike

Some of you might remember our report on the INgSOC bike, a bicycle that definitely challenges our current diamond frame bike aesthetic. This Frii prototype is doing the same thing.

I’m going to assume that that the “ii” combination in “Frii” is pronounced like it is in “Wii”. That would mean that this is pronounced “free”.

It is certainly free of normal biking conventions, but that might be a good thing. Designed by the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design student Dror Peleg in Israel, the lightweight and colorful bike is made entirely of plastic, which includes the tires. The plastic tires insure that they never go flat, and it looks like the seat is all plastic too.

To me, the Frii looks like what would happen if a bike crashed into a bunch of milk crates. If that happened on a cartoon, that is. I’m not certain what is going on with the pedals, as I don’t see a good place to put your foot.

Some people also might think that this bike looks like a bigger version of a kid’s plastic riding toy. It certainly is a good use of plastic, and it uses a lot of it. Hopefully, it can be recycled to the next generation of riders.



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