The INgSOC Concept Bike

Every once in a while, you will see some concept of a device that completely throws the old model of the device out the window.

Case in point, the INgSOC bike concept. As you can see, the traditional diamond frame has been replaced by this small camel’s hump design. By the way, this bike has a removable battery in the back for some electric riding, in case you were tired of pedaling.

Speaking of electronics, there is a battery charge indicator located conveniently on the handlebars like a fuel indicator on a car. In case you want to see more “F” than “E” on the indicator, you should know that a certain percentage of the pedaling energy will be charging the battery.

Some of you might not like the new aesthetic of this bicycle, but I must admit that it looks kind of weird to me. Right now, the bike exists only in digital form by designers Edward Kim and Benny Cemoli.

I sort of which they thought of a better name than INgSOC. I thought that arrangement of letters sounded familiar, and then I realized that INGSOC was the socialist government from George Orwell’s 1984. I guess the lower-case “g” is so I won’t associate this bike with Big Brother.



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