Massive Yacht has its own volcano

I love reporting on these giant aquatic constructions like this. I’m sure that this one would take years to construct.

Island Yacht Design imagined this Tropical Mountain Paradise, and it looks like would would happen if you put every episode of Gilligan’s Island and put it on a big ship. It even has the episode where there is an active volcano. Granted, the lava flows out into the lagoon, but it is a creative use of the volcano on the ship.

Yes, the ship has a great big artificial volcano on it, which is about the most extravagant as it gets. And I thought those rock-climbing walls on Carnival cruise lines were tacky.

Have we actually run out of real islands with volcanoes on them? Right now, this is a concept, for pretty obvious reasons. Perhaps this is where they’ll film the next season of Survivor, with the winning tribe living on those posh huts. That would probably be the last season.

I wonder if Island Yacht Design expects private buyers for this particular ship. I honestly don’t know anyone who can afford to buy something like this. I suppose that we will have to wait to see this one becoming a reality, and I am guessing it will be a long wait.



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