Hasbro has Captain America merchandise, too

Some of you might remember my Thor outfit when I was covering Hasbro’s line on that film, and it was inevitable that I would be covering the Captain America: The First Avenger merchandise.

As you can see, I have the Captain America mask, which does not have any Real 3D abilities like the Bumblebee Mask I covered a while ago. That’s good for playtime or cosplay, but what really works is the Disc Launching Shield.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I don’t ever remember the comic book hero shooting small discs from his shield. Every time I hold it, I want to sing the “When Captain America Throws his Mighty Shield” theme from the badly animated Captain America cartoon that aired back in the sixties.

As usual, Hasbro puts out the action figures of Cap in different outfits and different sizes. I managed to get a hold of “Hero Power Captain America”, a 10-inch figure that says very campy things when you press the star on his chest like “You’re goin’ down, Red Skull”! Then there is the Super Shield Captain America designed for much younger children with a light-up shield.

You can check the Hasbro catalog for more if you like the Captain America stuff. The Hero Mask is about $8.99, the Disc Launching Shield is $24.99, the Hero Power ten-inch figure is $19.99, and the Super Shield figure is $24.99. As for the shirt, it’s just a blue polo from my own closet with a paper star taped on it.


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