Passport Folio case

I always like seeing what Griffin Technology is up to, and it looks like they are getting into the iPad 2 cover market.

This is the Elan Passport for the iPad 2. One of the biggest bragging points of the Elan Passport is the cover opens to wake and closes to sleep the iPad 2. Is their something technical or magnetic there?

The Elan Passport also has a tab that secures the cover when it is closed. Also included on the Elan Passport is a place to put a stylus, and it even has pockets on the left side for holding four credit cards.

I can’t help but wonder why the designers of the Elan Passport didn’t make it so it was more like the Smart Cover. In other words, it should be able to stand the iPad up for portrait and landscape viewing. It barely does it in portrait mode, and I suppose that it could have had some magnets or something to stand it up. Oh well.

I suppose that the Elan Passport compensates by having a soft microsuede interior. I am not certain what its exterior is, but I believe it is nylon, but it looks enough like leather to pass as leather.

You should be able to purchase the Elan Passport on the official Griffin web site for about $49.99 in colors of red, black, and camel.


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