Supertooth HD!

This is the Supertooth HD, and it is a Bluetooth speaker designed for use in the car. I realize that you can’t see the back of this device, but it has a magnetic clip that is designed to hold it to the visor.

The Supertooth is good to have around if you need to take phone calls on the road, but don’t like to have something in your ear. It has dual microphones (one on the bottom and one on top) and two speakers with a 5-watt audio output and a 5.4-watt amplifier.

The big orange eye atop this black, gravestone-shaped device is the volume dial. If you push the center of it, you can give vocal commands like a Voice Dial, Check Battery, and you can take or ignore phone calls as well. You can also press the button for 3 seconds and redial the last number that you called. The button with the envelope on it will automatically dial the “SuperTooth HandsFree Assistant”.

I found that the Supertooth HD was able to absorb my contacts very easily. Though I haven’t yet seen this, but the backlight of the SuperTooth HD adapts automatically to ambient light in order not to distract a driver.

I had a very pleasant experience with this device, and this is a terrific alternative to holding a phone to your ear behind the wheel. You should be able to get this at the Supertooth HD site, and it is on sale in certain countries now. The lowest I can find for it is about $79.99, but it costs more if you get Dial2Do. Dial2Do is a service that allows Supertooth HD users to do e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and SMS messages via voice. It is free for six months, and is then $3.99 after that.


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