Have fun at urinals
You know the saying, “piss drunk”? I guess with all that booze that goes down your throat during the next party, surely your liver and bladder would work overtime, helping to flush out whatever toxins that are in your body, not to mention making room for more of that poisonous (but intoxicating) stuff. Well, if knocking back pints is your favorite hobby, and you have a close knit group of friends who share the same sentiment, perhaps you can approach the management of your favorite watering hole in install a hands-free gaming cistern system, as what the gents section in the Exhibit Bar located in south London has done? I know, this sounds rather silly, but hear me out for a while. Imagine building up all that liquid in your bladder, and you know for sure this is going to be a high pressure release the next time you unzip your fly, so why not make the most of it? What makes it more challenging is the fact that your motor skills would most probably be shot or affected alre...